Module Pp_binary_ints.Flags

The Flags module contains types to modify how binary integers are printed.

type padding =
| Left
| Right
| Zeros(*

padding controls whether spaces are are added on the left or right or if zero prefixes are added.

type zero_printing =
| OCaml
| InheritNonZero(*

zero_printing controls whether zeros printed similar to how Printf prints zeros or if zeros are printed similar to non-zero integers.

type flags = {
padding : padding;
separators : bool;
prefix_non_zero : bool;
suffix : bool;
zero_printing : zero_printing;

flags are passed to pretty printing functions to customize the output.

val default : flags

A default set of flags.

val make_flags : ?zero_padding:bool -> ?left_padding:bool -> ?separators:bool -> ?prefix:bool -> ?suffix:bool -> ?zero_special:bool -> unit -> flags

A function for creating flags. The left_padding prameter is ignored if zero_padding is set to true. The default values are as follows.

  • zero_padding=true
  • left_padding=false
  • separators=true
  • prefix=true
  • suffix=true
  • zero_special=false